VBS Visual Basic Scripting
Basic Programming Operations
Operation | Code |
Declare a variable | Dim myVar As String |
Set the value of a variable | myVar = “some value” |
Set the value of an object variable | Set myObj = Range(“B2:C3”) |
Gather user input | userInput = InputBox(“What’s your favorite color?”) |
Print a message to the screen | MsgBox(“You shall not pass!”) |
Execute a macro from within another macro | Call myMacro |
Use a built-in worksheet function in a macro | Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(“A:A”) |
Comment out a line of code - note the apostrophe (‘) | ‘VBA will ignore me! |
Basic Operations on Data
Operation | Code |
Addition | imFour = 2 + 2 |
Subtraction | imZero = 2 - 2 |
Multiplication | imAlsoFour = 2 * 2 |
Division (uses “/” operator) | MsgBox(10 / 3) ‘returns 3.333333 |
Integer Division (uses “\” operator) | MsgBox(10 \ 3) ‘returns 3 |
Concatenation | helloWorld = “Hello” & “world” |
Working With Worksheets
Example Scenario | VBA Code |
Activate a sheet by referencing its name | Sheets(“Sheet 1”).Activate |
Activate a sheet by referencing its index | Sheets(1).Activate |
Print the name of the active worksheet | MsgBox(ActiveSheet.Name) |
Add a new worksheet | Sheets.Add |
Add a new worksheet and specify its name | Sheets.Add.Name = “My New Sheet” |
Delete a worksheet | Sheets(“My New Sheet”).Delete |
Hide a worksheet | Sheets(2).visible = False |
Unhide a worksheet | Sheets(2).visible = True |
Loop through all sheets in a workbook | Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets MsgBox (ws.Name) Next ws |
Working With Workbooks
Example Scenario | VBA Code |
Activate a workbook by referencing its name | Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Activate |
Activate the first workbook that was opened, among all open workbooks | Workbooks(1).Activate |
Activate the last workbook that was opened, among all open workbooks | Workbooks(Workbooks.Count).Activate |
Print the name of the active workbook | MsgBox(ActiveWorkbook.Name) |
Print the name of this workbook (the one containing the VBA code) | MsgBox(ThisWorkbook.Name) |
Add a new workbook | Workbooks.Add |
Open a workbook | Workbooks.Open(“C:\My Workbook.xlsx”) |
Save a workbook | Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Save |
Close a workbook and save changes | Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Close SaveChanges:=True |
Close a workbook without saving changes | Workbooks(“My Workbook”).Close SaveChanges:=False |
Loop through all open workbooks | Dim wb As Workbook For Each wb In Application.Workbooks MsgBox (wb.Name) Next wb |
References - zerotomastery - DFT Wiki