Homepage Dashboard
Installation using docker compose
This is the non root user method, which is a bit more secure than running as full root user, Yikes!
Navigate to a directory where you want to setup the docker image
mkdir homepage
cd homepage
mkdir config
mkdir images
mkdir icons
touch docker-compose.yaml
nano docker-compose.yaml
Paste the below configuration into the file, make sure you replace the $PUID & $PGID below with the ID number found above
Save changes and exit the file once completed
image: ghcr.io/gethomepage/homepage:latest
container_name: homepage-dashboard
- 3000:3000
- ./config:/app/config # Make sure your local config directory exists
- ./images:/app/public/images #incase you want to add custom images
- ./icons:/app/public/icons #incase you want to add custom icons
restart: unless-stopped
deploying the container
check docker container status
You should now be able to access the dashboard at http://
You can check custom config here if you don't want to start from scratch ChristianLempa Config