Wazuh SEIM
Wazuh Server Installation
- OVA Virtual Machine (OVA) - Installation alternatives
- Docker Deployment on Docker - Installation alternatives · Wazuh documentation
OVA Installation
After installing the OVA, go into SSH to change the passwords for all services
curl -so wazuh-passwords-tool.sh https://packages.wazuh.com/4.4/wazuh-passwords-tool.sh
#-ap is the password for shell wazuh-user
sudo bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a -au wazuh -ap wazuh
#### Restart the server afterwards
WARNING: Wazuh indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the Wazuh dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services. hope it helps anyone struggling.
Restarting Wazuh services
Wazuh Agent Installation
Add the Wazuh repository
Install the GPG key
curl -s https://packages.wazuh.com/key/GPG-KEY-WAZUH | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/usr/share/keyrings/wazuh.gpg --import && chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/wazuh.gpg
Add the repository
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/wazuh.gpg] https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/ stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wazuh.list
Update the package information
For Debian 7, 8, and Ubuntu 14 systems import the GCP key and add the Wazuh repository (steps 1 and 2)
Deploy a Wazuh agent
To deploy the Wazuh agent on your endpoint, select your package manager and edit the WAZUH_MANAGER
variable to contain your Wazuh manager IP address or hostname.
If needed for additional deployment options such as agent name, agent group, and registration password Deployment variables for Linux - Deployment variables
Enable and start the Wazuh agent service
The deployment process is now complete, and the Wazuh agent is successfully running on your Linux system.
Recommended action - Disable Wazuh updates Compatibility between the Wazuh agent and the Wazuh manager is guaranteed when the Wazuh manager version is later than or equal to that of the Wazuh agent. Therefore, we recommend disabling the Wazuh repository to prevent accidental upgrades. To do so, use the following command
Uninstall a Wazuh agent
To uninstall the agent, run the following commands:
Remove the Wazuh agent installation.
apt-get remove wazuh-agent
#Some files are marked as configuration files. Due to this designation, the package manager does not remove these files from the filesystem. If you want to completely remove all files, run the following command:
apt-get remove --purge wazuh-agent
Disable the Wazuh agent service