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Radius Ports

Radius Type Default Radius Port
Radius Authentication 1812
Radius Accounting 1813

Radius Codes

Radius Code Description
Access-Reject (Code 3) Indicates that the user's credentials (username and/or password) are invalid
Access-Challenge (Code 11) Indicates that additional information is required from the user before access can be granted
NAS-Identification-Mismatch (Reason-Code 18) Indicates that the NAS (Network Access Server) identification in the request does not match the configured value on the RADIUS server
Authentication-Failure (Reason-Code 19) Indicates that the authentication method used in the request is not supported or is not configured on the RADIUS server
Unknown-User-Name (Reason-Code 20) Indicates that the user's username is not found in the user database on the RADIUS server
User-Name-Ambiguity (Reason-Code 21) Indicates that the user's username is found multiple times in the user database on the RADIUS server
User-Account-Expired (Reason-Code 22) Indicates that the user's account has expired
User-Account-Disabled (Reason-Code 23) Indicates that the user's account has been disabled
User-Account-Inactive (Reason-Code 24) Indicates that the user's account is inactive
User-Account-Valid (Reason-Code 25) Indicates that the user's account is not valid

Radius Wireshark Display Filter

Display Filter Description
radius Show only the RADIUS traffic
radius.code == 1 Show only RADIUS Access-Request messages
radius.code == 2 Show only RADIUS Access-Accept messages
radius.code == 3 Show only RADIUS Access-Reject messages
radius.code == 4 Accounting Request
radius.time >= 2 Show only RADIUS response messages that take longer than two seconds from the request
radius.Acct_Status_Type == 1 Show only RADIUS Accounting-Request[start] messages
radius.Acct_Status_Type == 2 Show only RADIUS Accounting-Request[stop] messages
radius.code == 3 and radius.Reply_Message contains "password" Show only RADIUS Access-Reject messages that come with an Reply-Message attribute containing "password"

Radius Wireshark Capture Filter

Capture Filter Description
udp port 1812 Capture RADIUS authentication and configuration traffic over the assigned port (1812)
udp port 1813 Capture RADIUS accounting traffic over the assigned port (1813)
udp port 1812 or udp port 1813 Capture RADIUS authentication and configuration traffic, and RADIUS accounting traffic, over the assigned ports