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Aruba Multicast Storm

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fault-finder multicast-storm

switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm
action                Configure the action taken when a fault is detected.
[ethernet] PORT-LIST  The ports on which to enable Multicast Storm Control.
sensitivity           Configure the fault sensitivity level.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet
PORT-LIST             Enter a port number, a list of ports or 'all' for all
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet 1/1
action                Configure the action taken when a multicast storm is
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet 1/1 action
warn                  Log an event only.
warn-and-disable      Log an event and disable the port.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet 1/1 action warn-and-disable

SECONDS               Configure the number of seconds for which the port
                    remains disabled. A value of 0 means that the port will
                    remain disabled until manually re-enabled.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet 1/1 action warn-and-disable 10

percent               Configure the number of inbound multicast packets per
                    second that is considered a multicast storm. This
                    threshold is computed assuming a size of 64 bytes per
                    incoming multicast packet.
pps                   Configure the number of inbound multicast packets per
                    second that is considered a multicast storm.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet 1/1 action warn-and-disable 10 percent

<1-100>               The percentage that is considered a multicast storm.

switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm ethernet 1/1 action warn-and-disable 10 percent 40
show fault-finder 
show fault-finder multicast-storm
show fault-finder multicast-storm 1/1

fault-finder multicast-storm action

switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm action warn
sensitivity     Configure the fault sensitivity level.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm action warn sensitivity
low             Low sensitivity.
medium          Medium sensitivity.
high            High sensitivity.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm action warn-and-disable
sensitivity     Configure the fault sensitivity level.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm action warn-and-disable sensitivity
low             Low sensitivity.
medium          Medium sensitivity.
high            High sensitivity.
switch(config)# fault-finder multicast-storm action warn-and-disable sensitivity high 
show fault-finder

show logging

switch# show logging
Keys:   W=Warning   I=Information
        M=Major     D=Debug E=Error

----  Event Log listing: Events Since Boot  ----
I 01/07/90 20:22:55 00076 ports: port 3 is now on-line
M 01/07/90 20:22:52 02677 FFI: port 3-Port enabled by Fault-finder.
I 01/07/90 20:22:33 00077 ports: port 3 is now off-line
M 01/07/90 20:22:33 02676 FFI: port 3-Re-enable after 20 seconds.
M 01/07/90 20:22:33 02673 FFI: port 3-Port disabled by Fault-finder.
M 01/07/90 20:22:33 02675 FFI: port 3-Excessive Multicast-storm control threshold 10 % exceeded.


Multicast storm control is not supported in the following scenarios.

  • Unicast packet traffic
  • If the port is configured as a VSF port
  • If the port is configured as a trunk port
