Juniper Add VLAN - Ethernet Switching irb

FOR Ethernet Switching SETUP <ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family ethernet-switching>
show configuration interfaces | display set | match "ethernet-switching"
show configuration interfaces | display set | match "vlan-tagging"

    Update the VLAN Number
    Update VLAN Name
    Update the Zones
    Update the Subnet and DHCP Pool
    Update the DHCP Group Number

#Create zone for the VLAN
set security zones security-zone Guest interfaces irb.1234 host-inbound-traffic system-services ping
set security zones security-zone Guest interfaces irb.1234 host-inbound-traffic system-services dhcp
set security zones security-zone Guest interfaces irb.1234 host-inbound-traffic system-services dns

#Create policies for the VLAN to define access
set security policies from-zone Guest to-zone Internet policy Guest_to_Internet match source-address any
set security policies from-zone Guest to-zone Internet policy Guest_to_Internet match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone Guest to-zone Internet policy Guest_to_Internet match application any
set security policies from-zone Guest to-zone Internet policy Guest_to_Internet then permit

#Create Source Nat to Internet
set security nat source rule-set default_srcnat from zone Guest

#Create the VLAN
set interfaces irb unit 1234 family inet address

#Create DHCP
set access address-assignment pool Guest family inet network range Guest low high
set access address-assignment pool Guest family inet dhcp-attributes maximum-lease-time 86400
set access address-assignment pool Guest family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
set access address-assignment pool Guest family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
set access address-assignment pool Guest family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
set access address-assignment pool Guest family inet dhcp-attributes router

#Define VLAN number
set vlans Guest vlan-id 1234

#Assign vlan to a L3 Interface
set vlans Guest l3-interface irb.1234

#Assign physical port for the VLAN - what Port it will be used on
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members Guest

#Create the DHCP Group for the VLAN number  >>>>>>>>> UPDATE THE GROUP NUMBER
set system services dhcp-local-server group g1 interface irb.1234