Enabling ftp on Juniper
set system services ftp
set security zones security-zone MGMT interfaces irb.100 host-inbound-traffic system-services ftp
set security zones security-zone MGMT interfaces ge-0/0/4.100 host-inbound-traffic system-services ftp
commit confirmed
This gives FTP on LAN side so use VPN IP to connect.
Uploading the files
- You can use an FTP Client such as WinSCP or FileZilla to upload the files, you can check the article explaining how to use FTPZilla [FileZilla FTP Client]
- Make sure you have the following path & directories created /cf/var/home ftpuser If the ftpuser directory is missing then create it.
- Upload all the files to /cf/var/home/ftpuser/
- The ftp link that you should be using to login and get the files should be something like this ftp://ftpuser:ftpuser123@