Juniper SRX NAT Destination

Destination NAT, The destination address of a packet is changed as it enters a router. This is often used to redirect incoming public Internet traffic to a specific internal host or network. For example, a public IP address of is configured with a destination NAT rule to redirect incoming HTTP traffic to a web server located on the internal network at IP address

Replace RemoteDevice Private IP Example: Replace with RemoteDevice WAN Public IP Example: Replace both and Replace the Ports both address port and destination-port

Below are example of multiple Destination NATs (HTTPS, SNMP & SSH)

set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards from zone <Internet_ZONE>

#HTTPS 8443 > 443
set security nat destination pool RemoteDevice_HTTPS address <Private_IP>
set security nat destination pool RemoteDevice_HTTPS address port 443
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_HTTPS match destination-address <Public_IP/32>
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_HTTPS match destination-port 8443
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_HTTPS then destination-nat pool RemoteDevice_HTTPS

#SNMP 1610 > 1610
#Configure RemoteDevice SNMP to be on port 1610
set security nat destination pool RemoteDevice_SNMP address <Private_IP>
set security nat destination pool RemoteDevice_SNMP address port 1610
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_SNMP match destination-address <Public_IP/32>
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_SNMP match destination-port 1610
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_SNMP then destination-nat pool RemoteDevice_SNMP

#SSH 2202 > 22
set security nat destination pool RemoteDevice_SSH address <Private_IP>
set security nat destination pool RemoteDevice_SSH address port 22
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_SSH match destination-address <Public_IP/32>
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_SSH match destination-port 2202
set security nat destination rule-set RemoteDevice_Port_Forwards rule RemoteDevice_SSH then destination-nat pool RemoteDevice_SSH

#Check the security Zone and make sure you have system-services any-service configured
set security zones security-zone <ZONE> interfaces ge-0/0/2.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services any-service

#Check which Zone you need to configure - show security zones
set security policies from-zone <Natted_ZONE> to-zone <Internet_ZONE> policy permit-all match source-address any
set security policies from-zone <Natted_ZONE> to-zone <Internet_ZONE> policy permit-all match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone <Natted_ZONE> to-zone <Internet_ZONE> policy permit-all match application any 
set security policies from-zone <Natted_ZONE> to-zone <Internet_ZONE> policy permit-all then permit 

#Check which Zone you need to configure - show security zones
set security policies from-zone <Internet_ZONE> to-zone <Natted_ZONE> policy server-access match source-address any
set security policies from-zone <Internet_ZONE> to-zone <Natted_ZONE> policy server-access match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone <Internet_ZONE> to-zone <Natted_ZONE> policy server-access match application any
set security policies from-zone <Internet_ZONE> to-zone <Natted_ZONE> policy server-access then permit