#display the configured NAT rule-sets, including the name, from-zone, and to-zone of each ule. It also shows the number of hits for each rule, which can be used to determine if he rule is being used
show security nat rule-set
#display the destination NAT rules and their statistics, including the number of packets nd bytes that have been translated by each rule
show security nat destination rule-set
#display the source NAT rules and their statistics, including the number of packets and ytes that have been translated by each rule
show security nat source rule-set
#display the proxy ARP entries, including the interface, IP address, and number of ARP equests that have been handled by each entry
show security nat proxy-arp
#show configuration
show security nat proxy-arp
#You can also check the proxy arp for a specific interface
show security nat proxy-arp interface <interface name>
>The output will show the interface name, the IP address that the proxy arp is configured for, and the number of ARP requests that have been handled by the proxy arp
>If the proxy arp is working as expected, you should see a non-zero value for the number of ARP requests
>It's important to note that proxy ARP is typically used in conjunction with NAT, so if the NAT is not working as expected, it's likely that the proxy ARP is not working as expected either
>It's also important to check if the proxy arp is enabled on the correct interfaces and that the interfaces are in the correct zone
>It's also good practice to check the arp table to confirm that the arp entries are being resolved correctly
>You can use the command show arp to check the arp table
#display the security policies and their statistics, including the number of packets and ytes that have been permitted or denied by each policy
show security policies
#show security policies
show security policies
#To check security policies for a specific source IP address
show security policies source-address <source IP address>
#To check security policies for a specific destination IP address
show security policies destination-address <destination IP address>
#To check security policies for a specific application
show security policies application <application name>
#display the routing table, which can be used to verify that the router is forwarding raffic to the correct next-hop
show route
#To check the routing table for a specific source IP address
show route <source IP address>
#To check the routing table for a specific soudestination IP address
show route <destination IP address> <source IP address>
#To check the routing table for a specific Interface
show route interface <interface name>
#can be used to test connectivity from the router to a specific IP address, which can be sed to verify reachability to the public or private IP addresses being accessed through he NAT rule
#can be used to trace the path of a packet from the router to a specific IP address, hich can be used to identify any issues with the routing path
#look for nat
show log messages | match nat
#look for rule set name
show log messages | match web-server
#can be used to enable debugging for NAT, which can provide detailed information about he NAT process and any issues that may be occurring
debug security nat