Juniper SRX Troubleshoot restart IPSEC VPN
extra sources
Check inactive tunnels first
To restart SRX VPN
clear security ike security-associations
clear security ipsec security-associations
restart ipsec-key-management
#check IKE Phase 1 & 2
show security ike
run show security ike security-associations
#set capture file name
set security ike traceoptions file debug-ike.log
#set the flag that you want to capture
set security ike traceoption flag ike
#save changes
#check error reason > this doesn't get extensive detail though
run monitor start debug-ike.log
#Capture to check the reason > Check the proposal values, look for type & value
monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/0 matching "port 500" extensive
encryption types
ene value=3des -> Encryption 3DES
ene value=ldes -> Encryption DES
ene value=0007 keylen value=0080 -> Encryption aes-128-cbc
ene value=0007 keylen value=00c0 -> Encryption aes-192-cbc
ene value=0007 keylen value=0100 -> Encryption aes-256-cbc
group dese value=modp768 -> DH Group 1
group dese value=modpl024 -> DH Group 2
group desc value=0005 -> DH Group 5
group desc value=000e -> DH Group 14
group desc value=0018 -> DH Group 24
hash value=md5 -> Authentication type md5
hash value=shal -> Authentication type shal
hash value=0004 -> Authentication type sha-256
hash value=0005 -> Authentication type sha-384
(type-1ifeduration 1en-4 va1ue-0000c350)
Convert HEX(c3500) TO Decimal (50000)
Enable tracing
root# set security ike traceoptions ?
Possible completions:
+ apply-groups Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
> file Trace file information
> flag Tracing parameters for IKE
no-remote-trace Disable remote tracing
roott# set security ike traceoptions flag all
roott# set security ipsec traceoptions flag ?
Possible completions:
all Trace with all flags enabled
next-hop-tunnel-binding Trace next-hop tunnel binding events
packet-drops Trace packet drops
packet-processing Trace data packet processing events
security-associations Trace security association management events
roott# set security ipsec traceoptions flag all
#To show the log
show log <filename>