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Ruckus AP CLI SZ

execute AP CLI commands remotely from SCG

remote ap-cli <AP-MAC-Address> “AP CLI command”

display SCG Settings

get scg

set the IP Address of the control interface

set scg ip “IP Address”

show ZoneDirector information

get director

set ZoneDirector IP

Reboot is required for changes to take effect

set director ip “IP Address”

ping another station


traceroute test


display the software version running on the AP

get version

display how long the Ruckus Wireless device has been running.

get uptime

get CPU and memory utilization information


display AP operation mode (standalone or managed mode)

get ap-mode

display hardware version and system board information

get boarddata

generate support log information


show support log information

support show

show all to display firmware

fw show all

display tunnelmgr settings

get tunnelmgr

display all WLAN interfaces

If the AP is a dual radio AP, the RadioID column indicates which radio (2.4GHz or 5GHz) is serving the WLAN.

get wlanlist

list all configured wlan interfaces and security settings

get wlaninfo

display the transmit channel on the device

get channel <wlan name>

display the state of a WLAN interface

get state <wlan name>

configure the state of a WLAN interface

set state <wlan name> {up|down}

get station list, information and statistics

get station <wlan name> list

display Media Queue Statistics

get mqstats <wlan name> all

display AP certificate information

get rpki-cert {issuer|subject|validity}

restart the AP


return all configuration settings to their factory defaults

set factory

Remote packet with Wireshark

#This sets up packet capture on 2.4GHz radio
set capture wlan100 stream

#This displays status of 2.4GHz radio capture
get capture wlan100 state

#To stop the capture on 2.4GHz radio
set capture wlan100 idle

#This sets up packet capture on 5GHz radio
set capture wlan101 stream

#This displays status of 5GHz radio capture
get capture wlan101 state

#To stop the capture on 5GHz radio
set capture wlan101 idle