### Commands
##### install
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iustin24/chameleon/master/install.sh | bash
##### Tech Scan + Directory Bruteforce:
chameleon --url https://example.com -a
### Config file
Chameleon uses the config file located in ~/.config/chameleon/config.yaml.
##### Changing the default wordlists:
If no wordlist is provided, chameleon will use the wordlist specified in main_wordlist from the config file. ( Default: ~/.config/chameleon/wordlists/raft-medium-words.txt )
When detecting technologies with characteristic extensions, chameleon will generate a wordlist by like so ( FUZZ.%ext ). Chameleon will use the wordlist specified in small_wordlist from the config file. ( Default: ~/.config/chameleon/wordlists/raft-medium-words.txt )
##### Changing technology wordlists
Example config.yaml with technology specific wordlists:
#Technology Specific Wordlists:
##### Adding new technology wordlists
Chameleon uses fingerprints from https://github.com/iustin24/wappalyzer/blob/master/apps.json. You can add new technology wordlists by taking the name of a technology from apps.json and adding it to the config file like so:
# Technology Specific Wordlists:
##### Adding new extension fingerprints.
# Technology specific Extensions
### Switches | Options
-a, --tech-detect
Automatically detect technologies with wappalyzer and adapt wordlist
-A, --auto-calibrate
Automatically calibrate filtering options (default: false)
-c, --mc <MATCHCODE>...
Match HTTP status codes from response - Comma separated list [default:
-C, --fc <FILTERCODE>...
Filter HTTP status codes from response - Comma separated list
-h, --help
Print help information
-i, --include tech <TECHS>
Technology to be included, even if its not detected by wappalyzer. ( -i PHP,IIS )
-J, --json
Save the output as json
-k, --config <CONFIG>
Config file to use [default: ~/.config/chameleon/config.toml]
-L, --hosts-file <HOSTS_FILE>
List of hosts to scan
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Save the output into a file
-s, --ms <MATCHSIZE>...
Match HTTP response size. Comma separated list of sizes
-S, --fs <FILTERSIZE>...
Filter HTTP response size. Comma separated list of sizes
-t, --concurrency <CONCURRENCY>
Number of concurrent threads ( default: 200 ) [default: 40]
-T, --tech url <TECH_URL>
URL which will be scanned for technologies. By default, this is the same as '-u',
however it can be changed using '-T'
-u, --url <URL>
url to scan
-U, --user-agent <USERAGENT>
Change the value for the user-agent header [default: "Chameleon /
-V, --version
Print version information
-w, --wordlist <WORDLIST>
Main wordlist to use for bruteforcing
-W, --small-wordlist <SMALL_WORDLIST>
Wordlist used to generate files by adding extensions ( FUZZ.%ext )
-X, --methods <METHODS>...
HTTP Methods to use. Comma separated list of sizes [default: GET]